Bella Thalia
Trgo-Produkt d.o.o. company was established in 1996. after which time their products on the domestic market soon became one of the leading in the field. In 2008., by demand of the market situation, they extended the production range to solid fuel stoves under the brand name, Bella Thalia. Later the company expanded to the countries of the former Yugoslavia, like Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, also subsequently to the EU countries like Austria, Germany, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Trgo-Produkt d.o.o. company is one of few Serbian companies that had a clear vision and business strategy from the beginning.
To focus on this specific range
of products developed for several reasons. First, the energy crisis that lead
to increased cost of all forms of energy, which in the end brought the
necessity of using alternative types of solid fuel. Bella Thalia stoves are
very popular for their functionality, simplicity, and above all affordable