Enamelled cookware Metalac

Enamelled cookware Provance
The modernized version of the very favourite enamelled cookware with the lavender decoration. The decoration is made in a rustical style with combination of flowers with different things which you can find on farms. Inside of the cookware is applicated a special dark blue enamel on a very high quality level.
This enamel is unique thanks to great useful properties, moreover its color is very nice in combination with the external decoration. The cookware Provance is offered in many different items to enable everyone to equipt his/her household by this cookware as much as possible.

We can offer in this design:
Pot: 20 cm (3,5 l), 20 cm (1,9 l), 24 cm (4,4 l)
Pan with a long handle: 16 cm (2,6 l)
Mug with a cover: 12 cm (1,3 l)
Bowl with a plastic cover: 20 cm (2,5 l)
Cezve: 11 cm (0,7 l)
Frying-pan: 24 cm (2,7 l)
Roaster: 32 cm (3,7 l)
Enamelled cookware Phytology
The unique design of a high-quality enamelled cookware for the company Metalac. This cookware was introduced like a fresh nowelty on the international fair Ambiente 2020 in Frakfurt. The cookware was awarded in many design competitions.
The cookware is produced in elegant brown-grey and creamy combination with decoration of nice leaves. The colors and design are very decent and surely will atract attention of everyone who is looking for eleagant solution for the modern kitchen.

Pot: 14
cm (2,3 l), 16 cm (2,2 l), 20 cm (4 l), 24 cm (6,5 l), 16 cm (1,85 l), 20 cm (3,35 l), 24 cm (3,4 l)
Bowl with a plastic cover: 16 cm (1,3 l)
Can with a plastic cover: 12 cm (1,3 l)
Cezve: 9 cm (0,4 l), 11 cm (0,7 l)
Frying-pan: 24 cm (2,7 l)
Roaster: 28 cm (3,44 l), 34 cm (4 l)
Enamelled cookware Roaster
Original enamelled cookware with a colorfull decal Kohout. This cookware is designed for people who love old good classic items and who appriciate imaginative decal in country style.
On this cookware is applicated highly resistant enamel with a creamy shade. This shade induces very warm impresion. In the line of cookware Kohout we offer very wide scale of products, so everyone can choose the right items for his or her needs.

We can offer in this design
Pot: 14 cm (1 l), 18 cm (2 l), 20 cm (2,75 l), 22
cm (3,5 l), 24 cm (4,75 l), 16 cm (2 l), 18 cm (3 l), 20 cm (4 l), 22 cm
(5 l), 24 cm (7,5 l)
Mug: 8 cm (0,37 l), 12 cm (1,3 l)
Bowl: 24 cm (3,5 l)
Cezve: 11 cm (0,7 l)
Enamelled cookware Retro kitchen
The nowelty in the assortment of enamelled cookware, stylish cookware Retro Kitchen. This cookware offers simple and modern design in a combination with high-quality enamel.

We can offer in this design:
Pot: 16 cm (2 l), 20 cm (4 l)
Pan with a long handle: 16 cm (1,5 l)
Mug: 8 cm (0,37 l), 10 cm (0,8 l), 12 cm (1,3 l)
Bowl with a plastic cover: 16 cm (1,7 l)
Frying-pan: 24 cm (2,7 l)
Roaster: 34 cm (4 l)
Dekor červený, bílý puntík

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,5L 16cm/2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 24cm/6,75L

Mlékovar 16cm/2L

Kastrol s poklicí
14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L 20cm/2,75L 24cm/4,75L

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

12cm/0,5L 14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L

Kastrol elegant s poklicí
10cm/0,45L 12cm/0,75L

Mísa 16cm/1L 18cm/1,5L 20cm/2L 22cm/2,7L 24cm/3,5L

Hrnek s výlevkou 12cm/1,2L

Pekáč 30cm/2,L
Hrnek 7cm/0,25L 9cm/0,5L
Dekor tráva

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,5L 16cm/2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 22cm/5L 24cm/6,75L

Kastrol s poklicí
14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L 20cm/2,75L 22cm/3,5L 24cm/4,75L
Kastrol elegant s poklicí
10cm/0,45L 12cm/0,75L

Mlékovar 16cm/2L

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

12cm/0,5L 14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L

Hrnek 9cm/0,5L

Hrnek s výlevkou 12cm/1,2L

16cm/1L 18cm/1,5L 20cm/2L 22cm/2,7L 24cm/3,5L
Dekor hnědý, bílý puntík

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,5L 16cm/2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 24cm/6,75L

Kastrol s poklicí
16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L 20cm/2,75L 24cm/4,75L

Rendlík 14cm/1L

Kastrol elegant s poklicí

Hrnek 9cm/0,5L

16cm/1L 22cm/2,7L
Dekor slunečnice

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,5L 16cm/2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 22cm/5L 24cm/6,75L

Kastrol s poklicí
14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L 20cm/2,75L 22cm/3,5L

Rendlík 14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L

Mlékovar 16cm/2L

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

Kastrol elegant s poklicí 12cm/0,75L

16cm/1L 18cm/1,5L 22cm/2,7L

Hrnek s výlevkou 12cm/1,2L

Hrnek 8cm/0,4L
Dekor levandule

Hrnec s poklicí
16cm/2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 24cm/6,75L

Kastrol s poklicí
16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L 20cm/2,75L 24cm/4,75L

Rendlík 16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L

Mlékovar 16cm/2L

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

Hrnek s výlevkou 12cm/1,2L

Hrnek 9cm/0,5L

Džezva 9cm/ 4kávy 11cm/ 7káv
Dekor kámen

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,5L 16cm/2,3L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 22cm/5L 24cm/6,5L

Kastrol s poklicí
12cm/0,75L 14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L 20cm/3L 22cm/3,5L 24cm/4,5L

Španělský hrnec s poklicí
12 cm/1,5L 14cm/2L 16cm/3L

Hrnek s výlevkou 10 cm/0,85L

Hrnek 9cm/0,5L

Džezva 7cm/ 2kávy 9cm/ 4kávy

Pekáč kulatý 30cm/4L

Rendlík s výlevkou 12 cm/1L 14cm/1,5L

Mísa 16cm/1L 18cm/1,5L 20cm/2L 22cm/2,7L 24cm/3,5L

Naběračka 8cm

Pekáč 38cm/7,5L

Pěnovačka 10cm
Dekor motýl

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,5L 16cm/2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 24cm/6,75L

Kastrol s poklicí
14cm/1L 16cm/1,5L 18cm/2L 20cm/2,75L 24cm/4,75L
Dekor oliva

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,65L 16cm/2,2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 22cm/5,3L 24cm/7,5L

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

Kastrol s poklicí
14cm/1,3L 16cm/1,85L 20cm/3,35L 24cm/5,3L
Dekor ražniči

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,65L 16cm/2,2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 22cm/5,3L 24cm/7,5L
Dekor kuchař

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,65L 16cm/2,2L 18cm/3L 20cm/4L 22cm/5,3L 24cm/7,5L
Dekor kuchyň

Čajník 20cm/2,5L

Hrnec s poklicí
14cm/1,65L 16cm/2,2L 20cm/4L 22cm/5,3L 24cm/7,5L

Rendlík s výlevkou 12cm/0,5L 16cm/1,3L 20cm/2,5L
Pánev čtvercová s výlevkou 26x26cm/2,4L
Pánev kulatá 24cm/2,5L
Kastrol 26x26cm/3L